Hand showing a confused visual between a robotic hand and human hand

The AI Detection problem: The Transformers movie that came to life without your consent

Zero GPT AI Content Detector Score

ZeroGPT Score

Bottom line: Whom to trust? Stranger human vs Stranger AI?

The only thing you should be looking at going forward is if the content can make sense, invoke the emotions and help your audience do what they’re out to do.

  • Does it fit your brand voice?
  • Does it make sense and can feel like a normal human in your culture and language would talk like?
  • Are you looking to micro-manage every word and H2 on the page for conversion purposes?
  • Can spot and feel “synergy”, “in the era of”, and other generic phrases pop up?
  • Can you feel no depth and research in the content with what you’re used to?
  • Are you able to see a clear difference between the quality of the samples and the work?

If you answer “Yes” to the last 3 questions, the content you’re receiving is mostly AI generated.

If you answer “No” to the first 3 questions, you shouldn’t be looking at AI detectors, but a heatmap and your engagement.

The End Game

AI detection models are NOT here to stay because humans don’t use an AI detector brain chip just yet. If a sentence is persuasive, it doesn’t matter if a bot generated it, or a human wrote it. Each word and sentence is there in your copy to do a specific job. 

Move those two eyes to the next thing. The thing can be the next sentence, the next landing page, the next sales page or anything else. That’s it for this one, hope you enjoyed this, see ya in the next one!


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